With SharePoint Designer you can easily add columns to the edit form for list items. So you go into the code view and add
<xsl:value-of select=”@MyColumn” />
the output is the href tag + the column value in full written. If you the add
the value will be displayed as hyperlink. Looks much better, but if you just want to have the value without the hyperlink you should add some functions to the select statement:
<xsl:value-of select=”substring-before(substring-after(@MyColumn, ‘>’), ‘<’)” disable-output-escaping=”yes”/>
This will display only the value of your column. Please replace MyColumn with your column name.
If you need a more detailed instruction, please look also at this post.
i have same issue , but my look up field containing multible values.
if i apply your substring trick, i am getting one value.
may i know how can i get all values with out hyper links.
thank you
To do Multiple choice value lookups as text, use this as your Template instead (tested on SP2013):
;’), ‘>’), ‘<‘)” disable-output-escaping=”yes”/>
Nevermind then, it can’t post html code properly. Maybe the moderator will fix it for me, otherwise it’s not worth the time to figure out how to fix the html to post here in a usable format.