The SharePoint Search by default has some refiner if you create a SharePoint Search center. But in the default settings there is no filter or refiner for the site title. Mostly the user know the site name but not always the url. But we would like to have a shiny SharePoint Search Site.
Prepare SharePoint Search Schema
So here i would like to show an easy way to provide the Site Title of a SharePoint Site Collection as Refiner. The information is already in your search schema. The site title is stored in “ows_SiteName”. So i created a new managed property “SiteTitle” and mapped the crawled property to “ows_SiteName”. After that run a full crawl.
Add Refiner
After the full crawl you can use your managed property. Edit your search result page and go to the refiner webpart properties. In this settings you can choose your managed property “SiteTitle” as refiner.
Save your site and let’s see how it looks like:
That’s one way. If you prefer to use RefinableStrings follow this post by Nik Charlebois.
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