SharePoint 2010 – Crawl vs. Search Core Result WebPart

I startet a full crawl of our http://intranet but there was a problem with it. I got an error message just for http://intranet:

“something like download ist not possible”

and no new content, and also no subcontent, is added to the index. This happens because i was using a Core Result WebPart on the starting page of our Intranet. This Core Result WebPart has a predifined Search to show up all Blog Entries across the whole farm.

To get your crawl back to work you have to exclude this exact page from the index. So the Subsites could get crawled again.

That´s it…

..:: I like SharePoint ::..

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About Dennis de Vries 34 Articles
Loving SharePoint, Social Media and like to work together with creative people all over the world.

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