At my starting page i displayed documents and an upload link to upload a document. If a user has read access, he also see the upload link. But i would like to have it like the “add new item” link below the normal list views – only the user with the right access permission can add new items. So what can be done? Using javascript? I asked google and google gave me the hint to look into this post from Scott Hatcher, in which he wrote about Conditionally Format XSLT Based on User Permissions. I tried and it works like charm for me.
Just insert a snippet of code around your upload link which look like this:
[sourcecode language=”csharp”]
If you want to use other permissions like delete or anything, you just have to change the number at IfHasRights(XX). See the following table.
Permission | Code |
ViewListItems | 1 |
AddListItems | 2 |
EditListItems | 4 |
DeleteListItems | 8 |
ApproveItems | 16 |
OpenItems | 32 |
ViewVersions | 64 |
DeleteVersions | 128 |
CancelCheckout | 256 |
PersonalViews | 512 |
ManageLists | 2048 |
ViewFormPages | 4096 |
Open | 65536 |
ViewPages | 131072 |
AddAndCustomizePages | 262144 |
ApplyThemeAndBorder | 524288 |
ApplyStyleSheets | 1048576 |
ViewUsageData | 2097152 |
CreateSSCSite | 4194314 |
ManageSubwebs | 8388608 |
CreateGroups | 16777216 |
ManagePermissions | 33554432 |
BrowseDirectories | 67108864 |
BrowseUserInfo | 134217728 |
AddDelPrivateWebParts | 268435456 |
UpdatePersonalWebParts | 536870912 |
ManageWeb | 1073741824 |
UseRemoteAPIs | 137438953472 |
ManageAlerts | 274877906944 |
CreateAlerts | 549755813888 |
EditMyUserInfo | 1099511627776 |
EnumeratePermissions | 4611686018427387904 |
FullMask | 9223372036854775807 |