SharePoint 2013 Some things have changed…

SharePoint 2013 comes along with lots of new features especially in the social area. But it also comes up with lots of features which are deprecated – which have been available in SharePoint 2010 but won’t be available in SharePoint 2013.

Well, i don’t want to list every detail in this post, because someone was faster and wrote it down at this nice page. You really should have a look at it later, after you finished reading my post and maybe a second post…

What surprised me at first look was the announcement that the templates for a document workspace and all meeting workspaces won’t be available at SharePoint 2013. Existing sites using this template will operate in SharePoint 2013 but you cannot create new ones and in the version after SP2013 you can’t even use them anymore. So if you are using them for a longer period you should look for a new solution.

Microsoft says:

Meeting Workspace site templates

Description: When you create a site in SharePoint 2013, all five of the Meeting Workspace site templates are not available. This includes the Basic Meeting Workspace, Blank Meeting Workspace, Decision Meeting Workspace, Social Meeting Workspace, and Multipage Meeting Workspace.

Reason for change: SharePoint 2013 and Office 2013 provide other features that support meetings and collaboration. For example, you can use Lync to conduct live meetings, OneNote to take notes during meetings, and a SharePoint team site or My Site to store shared meeting notes.

Migration path: Existing sites that were created by using the Meeting Workspace site templates will continue to operate in SharePoint 2013. The Meeting Workspace site templates will be removed completely from the next major release of SharePoint and sites that were created by using the Meeting Workspace site templates will not be supported.

Document Workspace site template

Description: When you create a site in SharePoint 2013, the Document Workspace site template is not available.

Reason for change: The scenario of collaborating on a document is now provided by the Team Site site template. The Document Workspace site template was removed from SharePoint 2013 to simplify the list of templates that are available when a user creates a new site collection.

Migration path: Existing sites that were created by using the Document Workspace site template will continue to operate in SharePoint 2013. The Document Workspace site template will be removed completely from the next major release of SharePoint and sites that were created by using the Document Workspace site template will not be supported.

Well, on the one hand it was great to use these workspaces. Especially the meeting workspace was useful for managing multiple meeting dates at one place. On the other hand it is quite complicated to run solutions on these templates cause of the meeting instance id. But that depends on what kind of solution.

So if you have another opinion to that i would like to hear. My next question: The existing meeting workspaces can be migrated in the version after SP2013 to what? How do you get all your data into a new template without changing the structure? And how do you organize such meetings now in SharePoint 2013? Are using lync combining SharePoint – It might getting interesting if you are running in such a project.


The article or information provided here represents completely my own personal view & thought. It is recommended to test the content or scripts of the site in the lab, before making use in the production environment & use it completely at your own risk. The articles, scripts, suggestions or tricks published on the site are provided AS-IS with no warranties or guarantees and confers no rights.

About Karsten Schneider 312 Articles
Consultant for Microsoft 365 Applications with a strong focus in Teams, SharePoint Online, OneDrive for Business as well as PowerPlatform with PowerApps, Flow and PowerBI. I provide Workshops for Governance & Security in Office 365 and Development of Solutions in the area of Collaboration and Teamwork based on Microsoft 365 and Azure Cloud Solutions. In his free time he tries to collect tipps and worthy experience in this blog.


  1. Hallo Herr Pohnke,

    vielleicht könne Sie mir weiterhelfen, nachdem meine lange Recherche immernoch erfolglos blieb. Nur bei Ihnen wurde ich ansatzweise fündig. ICh bin auf der Suche nach einer Möglichkeit, wie ich in Infopath ein Listenfeld erzeugen kann, dass über alle recurring events eines meeting spaces in sharepoint die Tasks des spaces gesammelt anzeigt. Wissen Sie da eine Lösung?

    Marc Davidson

  2. Hallo Herr Davidson,
    wenn ich Sie richtig verstehe, sollen die gesammelten Tasks aus dem Meeting Workspace in einem InfoPath Formular dargestellt sein. Damit sind bleiben Ihnen ja schonmal nur die Optionen, die InfoPath bietet:
    Datenquelle als Webservice, als SharePoint Liste / Bib, etc. ODER InfoPath mit Code Behind.
    Im Code Behind wäre dies kein Problem – daher die Frage: Können wir in Ihrem Fall Code Behind nutzen?

    Vielleicht könnten Sie mehr über den Prozess an sich beschreiben, der umgesetzt werden soll, vielleicht lässt sich dann eine elegante Lösung finden!?

    Ein Ansatz, damit man im SharePoint Standard bleibt, wäre bspw. ein Workflow auf der Taskliste, der die Items nach anlegen in eine separate Liste schreibt. Nicht optimal, aber könnte funktionieren.

    Hoffe das hilft Ihnen ein wenig weiter!?

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