ESPC14: Getting started

Today the European SharePoint Conference 2014 at Barcelona started. There are 4 days full of SharePoint stuff. The first day deals with some workshops. I attend at the Master Class of Dan Holme about SharePoint Governance. The next three days are filled with around 100+ sessions.

I just arrived yesterday at the 4 stars hotel abba garden near the conference. Together with my colleague we went out for some bear and a few tappas at the the restaurant called El Canalla y El Villano. Great place to be!

To follow me and some updates go to @devriden or come back here to ..:: I like SharePoint ::.. to get my summaries and notes of some sessions i will attend.





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About Dennis de Vries 34 Articles
Loving SharePoint, Social Media and like to work together with creative people all over the world.

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