In SharePoint 2010 and 2013 it is possible to create Site Collections by the UI, using C# Coding or Powershell. In one of our scenarios we had to prepare a web application in which each site collection should get its own Content Database and each site collection should be based on a site collection which already exists in the webapplication as a site collection.
Normally you have to save this site as template, download it, create a new site, upload the template and then you’re done. But that’s not the things administrators, users or developers like to do. We all would like to use a cool Powershell script.
So we created a Powershell Script as function, which does the job using some parameter.
Let’s see the steps it takes:
- Check if Content Database exist and create the new one
- Create a site collection with the same template in the new content database
- Export the template from site collection
- Import the template into new site collection
- Change the title of the web
Let’s see the code.
[sourcecode language=”csharp”]
) #end param
#Define standard values
$TemplateSite = “https:/servername/sites/sitecollectionTemplate”
$TemplateSaveLocation = “C:\TemplateTemp\sitecollection.cmp”
#Add SharePoint PowerShell Snapin
if((Get-PSSnapin | ? {$_.Name -eq “Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell”}) -eq $null)
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell
#Function Check-Webapplication #
Function Check-WebApplication($url)
#Check if a webapplication exists to create the site in
$wa = Get-SPWebApplication $Url -ErrorAction “Stop”
Write-Host (“Found webapplication {0}” -f $wa.Url) -ForegroundColor Green
return $wa
Write-Host (“A webapplication {0} does not exist in this farm” -f $waUrl) -ForegroundColor Red
#End Function Check-Webapplication #
#Function Check-Contentdatabase #
function Check-Contentdatabase($name, $dbserver)
#Check if the contentdatabase already exists
$db = Get-SPContentDatabase -ErrorAction “Stop” | ? {$_.Name -eq $name}
if($db.Sites.Count -lt $db.MaximumSiteCount)
Write-Host (“Found contentdatabase {0} with sitecount {1} and a maxsitecount of {2}” -f $db.Name, $db.CurrentSiteCount, $db.MaximumSiteCount) -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host (“Contentdatabase {0} is full it contains {1} of {2} sites” -f $db.Name, $db.CurrentSiteCount, $db.MaximumSiteCount) -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host (“Creating contentdatabase {0} on server {1}” -f $DBName, $dbserver) -ForegroundColor Green
$db = New-SPContentDatabase -WebApplication $wa -Name $DBName -DatabaseServer $dbserver -MaxSiteCount 1 -WarningSiteCount 0
Write-Host (“Creating contentdatabase {0}” -f $DBName) -ForegroundColor Green
$db = New-SPContentDatabase -WebApplication $wa -Name $DBName -MaxSiteCount 1 -WarningSiteCount 0
return $db
#End Function Check-Contentdatabase #
# Function Create-Folder #
function Create-Folder([string]$Loc)
if($Loc -ne $null)
$LocPath = Split-Path $Loc -Parent
if(!(Test-Path $LocPath))
New-Item $LocPath -ItemType Directory
return “new”
return “old”
#End Function Create-Folder #
#Extract Web Application Url from SiteUrl
$waUrl = $SiteUrl.Substring(0, $SiteUrl.IndexOf(“/”, $SiteUrl.IndexOf(“:”)+3))
#Check if a webapplication exists to create the site in
$wa = Check-WebApplication $waUrl
#Check if a contendatabase name was specified
#Check if the contentdatabase already exists
$db = Check-Contentdatabase $DBName -dbserver $DatabaseServer
$newdb = $true
$newdb = $false
Write-Host (“No Database specified, checking available databases”) -ForegroundColor Yellow
$availableDBs = Get-SPContentDatabase -WebApplication $wa | ? {$_.CurrentSiteCount -lt $_.MaximumSiteCount} | sort @{Expression={$_.CurrentSiteCount / $_.MaximumSiteCount}}
if($availableDBs.GetType().Name -ne “SPContentDatabase”)
$db = $availableDBs[0]
$db = $availableDBs
Write-Host (“Found database{0} to store the site in” -f $db.Name) -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host (“There are no databases to store the site in”) -ForegroundColor Red
#Create the site collection
Write-Host (“Creating Site Collection {0}” -f $SiteUrl) -ForegroundColor Green
New-SPSite -URL $SiteUrl -OwnerAlias $Owner -SecondaryOwnerAlias $SecondaryOwner -ContentDatabase $db -Language 1031 -Template STS#1 -ErrorAction “Stop”
Write-Host (“Site Collection {0} Created Sucessfully” -f $SiteUrl) -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host (“Exporting Site Collection”) -ForegroundColor Green
$FolderStatus = Create-Folder $TemplateSaveLocation
Export-SPWeb -identity $TemplateSite -path $TemplateSaveLocation -force -includeusersecurity
Write-Host (“Exported Site Collection Sucessfully”) -ForegroundColor Green
#Import the site to the new site collection
Write-Host (“Importing into new Site Collection”) -ForegroundColor Green
Import-SPWeb -Identity $SiteUrl -Path $TemplateSaveLocation -includeusersecurity -force
Write-Host (“Imported Sucessfully”) -ForegroundColor Green
if($TemplateSaveLocation -ne $null)
if($FolderStatus -eq “new”)
$FolderPath = Split-Path $TemplateSaveLocation -Parent
Remove-Item $FolderPath -Recurse -Force
Remove-Item $TemplateSaveLocation
Remove-Item “$($TemplateSaveLocation).export.log”
Remove-Item “$($TemplateSaveLocation).import.log”
#Change Title of Website
Write-Host (“Changing Title of the site to {0}” -f $Title) -ForegroundColor Green
$Web = Get-SPWeb $SiteUrl
$Web.TitleResource.SetValueForUICulture(1031, $Title)
Write-Host (“Could not create sitecollection”) -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host (“Removing contentdatabase {0}” -f $db.Name) -ForegroundColor Yellow
Remove-SPContentDatabase $db
That’s it. Pretty cool. You can use the script and expand it. Just call the script with the parameters and it will do the job.
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