Microsoft Stream is a great video platform to upload, edit, organize and share your company wide videos. I already wrote about the Microsoft Stream Service in my last post. But before starting with this service you should consider about a structure and common useful hashtags. Otherwise you risk that you get troubles finding your content.
Use Channels and common hashtags
In order to organize your videos there are three main points. Search, Hashtags and Channels.
The search is really great, but you won’t rely on search if you search for “standard operation procedure” than you might find anything else.
So a combination of hashtags and channels is a great opportunity. I guess Channels is simple and clear, that you create some channels which group videos by specific topics, which are company wide known. For example Product notifications.
Hashtags is a little bit more complex. Cause if you add hashtags to a video, it does not suggest already created hashtags. This means it can be that your users upload videos with hashtags like
- #IBMNotes
- #IBM_Notes
- #IBM-Notes
- #Notes
This example has already four hashtags which mean the same but might be handled differently. So you should train your “uploaders” to use common hashtags or to get a common understanding for those kind of stuff.
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