Session from Mirjam van Olst.
There are some options to work with the search and to extend this search by
- configuration
- Extend with APIs / Designer
- Create your own
Creating your own will be the most complex kind of work here.
You have to keep in mind, that you can configure the content source (e.g. external content types) and scopes or even federated search for example content sources which supporting OpenSearch Federation (Youtube, Bing, Wikipedia).
If you like to extend, you jsut can use the Search Object Model on which all webparts are based (SharedQuery Manager class).
If you like to extend the coreresultWebpart you just have to override
- Initi() -> Change the Scope
- Render() -> Change the HTML Output
- PreRender() -> Change the Query
Mirjam demonstrated 2 easy example to develop search webparts and the possibilities to use it. That seems really easy. Thank you Mirjam.
The Search UI seems highly customizable.
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